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Office Policies

Some insurance companies do not require a formal referral authorization while others do.


  • Remember that it is your responsibility to know and understand your benefits: YOUR INSURANCE IS A CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY. If you are unsure of your benefit coverage, please call the member services number on the back of your insurance card for clarification.


Appointments for Referrals ordered by Dr. Adenuga will generally be processed immediately by our staff unless the parent requests otherwise.


Our Policy is to process a referral as soon as we receive the order. For plans that require authorization for referrals, our office policy requires a minimum of three (3) business days to process a routine referral. We recommend that you contact us as soon as you make an appointment with a specialist. We cannot “back date” a referral.


Please note that referrals cannot be processed after the fact. If a specialist already saw you without a referral you will need to work directly with your insurance company to ensure the visit is covered.


We do not accept or process last minute referral requests; we need adequate notice and information for referral processing. If you call us on your way to the specialist, or while at their office for your visit, we will not be able to process your request in time for your scheduled visit. You may be asked to reschedule the appointment if the specialist cannot verify that you have an active referral. If you need to see a specialist for a follow-up appointment, please verify with them if you will need an additional referral or if the original referral covers follow-up visits within a defined period of time, and if so how many follow-up visits are covered.


If you would like a “non-par” referral (to visit a specialist or facility that is out-of-network), we require 5-7 business days to process such requests.



Nuga Pediatrics of Lenawee PLLC is fully computerized and HIPAA compliant.

Vaccine Policy

At NugaPeds we are firm believers in the effectiveness of vaccines to prevent serious illnesses and save lives. We also firmly believe in the safety of vaccines. Our Physician and all our staff provide vaccines on schedule to our own children. Our office follows the vaccine schedule as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control  (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) which has been scientifically tested for safety and efficacy.


There is no such thing as a tested or safe "alternative" vaccine schedule. We will be happy to provide information to help you understand the science behind vaccines, but we have a commitment to our patients to keep them safe and provide the best pediatric care available. This includes vaccinations on time, according to the CDC/AAP schedule.

Patients refusing immunizations will have to fill a form at our office to request a waiver from their local health department as recommended by the state of Michigan

Note the form you receive from our office is NOT a Waiver form!


Additional Vaccine Education:


Financial Policy

The following statement explains the Financial Policy of Nuga Pediatrics of Lenawee, PLLC (NugaPeds). We are committed to providing the best treatment for our patients. Our fees and charges are reasonable and customary fees for our region and specialty. Unless we have a contract with your Insurance Company, you will be responsible for any balance remaining after your insurance has made payments (Non Par Insurances/out of Network) If you have any questions we will be happy to discuss our professional fees with you at any time as your clear understanding of our Financial Policy is important to our professional relationship.


• All patients are required to provide accurate and complete personal and insurance information prior to being seen by the doctor.

• All personal balances both current and prior which may include Co-Pays, Deductibles, Non-Covered Services, Non-Par visits, MUST be paid at the time of service.

Co-payments not made at the time of service may attract additional billing fees. This fee is not covered by insurance!! It is your personal responsibility.



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